GSO Scout Program

Get paid for any business referrals sent our way.

The GSO Scout Program is a business referral program that allows you to receive compensation for successful introductions, potential deals, and financing opportunities to GSO and our other entities.

Monetize your relationships with GSO today. We’re happy to introduce our Scout program for introductions and business referrals. We’ll compensate you for any successful transaction partners you send our way.

GSO Scout Program Form

(Introductions/Business Referral)

Please fill out the form below.
Upon submitting the form, you will automatically be directed to the GSO Scout Introductions Agreement form on HelloSign.

If you have any questions, please contact:
John Terrill
Thank you for signing up for the GSO Scout Program!
A team member will reach out to you as soon as possible.
Please fill out all required fields before submitting.